Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Iron Man 2 Review

Go see this in theaters. If you are able, go see this movie in IMAX (not the "IMAX Experience" - theater conversion thing - unless you're a sound connoisseur with money to spend, it's NOT a 7 story IMAX screen).

It's too much fun to miss.

Iron Man 2 is what a sequel should be. There's bigger action set pieces, but Favreau lets all that be motivated. There is an honesty to this movie that Michael Bay could really take a lesson from. Favreau's treatment of big action and sex appeal all comes from the characters, it hardly even comes from the plot. And that's what makes the action better.

RDJ is, once again, fantastic. Wait for a small moment Stark spends in the company of his father's memory, and you'll buy anything Stark will deal with or is capable of.

One of my only issues with the first movie was the writing for Pepper Potts. She was, at first, written as a strong woman who took nothing from anyone and did her job well. She later turned into one dimensional damsel in distress, running with flailing arms from the badguy. I thought Gweneth saved the movie by playing it with such great blankness to the script that she nearly pulled it off.

In this film I came to better understand Pepper Potts. And it has saved the character in the first film for me. Paltrow is given so much more to work with but her character stays very true to what my original issue was.

And honestly, I admit the "issue" with the character a bit sheepishly. Apparently I wanted a one dimensional character and thought Paltrow was infusing life and connection between two separate flat characters. After the second installment, I'm won over by Pepper. She is one of the better written women in cinema (I say it unapologetically). Women are traditionally treated to one dimension in movies, and Pepper Potts is far from it. And Paltrow gives us the perfect portrayal. She is a woman. She doesn't want physical fighting. She doesn't have training or the desire to get in to combat. But she DOES take care of business. And she isn't afraid of anyone when it comes to matching wits. Pepper Potts is essentially a normal, innocent human being in a world filled to the brim with one or the other - super power people or fleeing bystanders.

Even though Don Cheadle opens us back to Lt. Rhodes with a line meant as much for the audience as for Stark, "I'm here, let's get used to it, let's move on," you can't help but draw comparisons of Cheadle and his former embodiment, Terrance Howard.

I liked Terrance Howard better. Don't get me wrong, I love everything Cheadle does, and he was very good here. It's just that Howard has this constant sense of discovery and humility all over his face, but then he is unbelievably cool and in control at the same time. Howard's presence was the perfect play off of Downey, Jr.

But what are you gonna do? You got to hand it to Marvel for knowing their budget, giving their terms, and not getting bloated over their success with one film (like so many others, including a little Batman and DC debacle we still haven't recovered from). They're an exciting studio to watch because they are turning a lot of things in the business on its head.

Ultimately Cheadle is the only possible replacement, and he does well. I wonder if most of what I miss is just from the inescapable comparison, and not a real judgement of chemistry.

But, see the movie... Now.

I'm Over It... OK, I'm Over Myself

So... I think I owe The Dead Center Film Festival an apology letter.

Let me first say, that the intent of this blog has a little bit to do with venting the fears and frustrations and triumphs of an independent film maker. And with that sense, even while I'm having a nervous breakdown over the first cut of my film, or when I'm dropping into a depression over getting a rejection letter, or when I'm writing nonsense stream of consciousness while I edit, it's existentialism.

I know fully well the world is not ending. I know fully well it looks ridiculous and might not be perceived with the full intent of my tongue-in-cheek attitude, but never-the-less, I feel I must vent. And not just for myself, but also because: I hope this to be a journal of fears, frustrations, triumphs, bombs, and insight from me to the reader - those of you who might care what goes on in an independent filmmakers head. So maybe you'll know you aren't alone, or maybe you'll know you are in better shape, or maybe you just want to take the ride with me for the fun and interest.

So... Without Further Ado.

Dear DeadCenter Film Festival,

I'm sorry I expected you to accept my half-finished movie for your film festival. I apologize that I thought I was a shoe-in for the fest because I have a really good concept and vision and because my production phase was so awesome, complete with great crew and cast. I expected less of your film festival and for that, I apologize. You will see a different film next year... and it will be one of the few entertaining selectees from the hundreds of crappy and mediocre and even good movies you reject. Can't wait to spend the weekend with you, DeadCenter.



Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Extract: Not Quite Office Space

I finally got to see Extract.

Bottom line: this is a funny movie. *This is an enjoyable rental. *Ben Affleck is the greatest supporting actor of our generation. *Jason Bateman continues to impress by being absolutely brilliant as the everyman with the slightest of movements around his eyes and in his choices. *Mike Judge writes and directs strong and full characters once again.

**Something didn't quite work.

What?... I'm not exactly sure.

It could have been the expectations of Mike Judge as he continuously walks in his own created shadow of the highly quotable and BEST MOVIE OF ALL TIME... Office Space. That will sometimes do it.

I think it might have something to do with the fact that the plot is not nearly as innocent. It plays like the continuation of Office Space. The world is set up well, the characters are hilarious and consistently dragging each other into situations over their head, but it's dealing with cons, adultery, drugs, and some female characters that just aren't likable. Ultimately, this ruins the "escape the mundane" aspect that Office Space played off of, which in turn takes away the existential comedy of the situation.

It's hard to be existential when the situation is as terrible as the characters perceive.

Extract probably shouldn't be compared to Office Space, but Judge makes it really hard not to. There are parallel characters and plot elements, and the fact that it's dealing with the work environment like no other films really tend to do - makes the comparison inescapable. And there, is possibly where the movie ultimately fails. Fail is too strong of a word. Rephrase:

There is where the film ultimately shows why it didn't succeed in theaters or on DVD the way Office Space did, or the way the studios probably thought it might.

Rent with no expectations... and when the kids are in bed = have a good time.