Tuesday, May 25, 2010

I'm Over It... OK, I'm Over Myself

So... I think I owe The Dead Center Film Festival an apology letter.

Let me first say, that the intent of this blog has a little bit to do with venting the fears and frustrations and triumphs of an independent film maker. And with that sense, even while I'm having a nervous breakdown over the first cut of my film, or when I'm dropping into a depression over getting a rejection letter, or when I'm writing nonsense stream of consciousness while I edit, it's existentialism.

I know fully well the world is not ending. I know fully well it looks ridiculous and might not be perceived with the full intent of my tongue-in-cheek attitude, but never-the-less, I feel I must vent. And not just for myself, but also because: I hope this to be a journal of fears, frustrations, triumphs, bombs, and insight from me to the reader - those of you who might care what goes on in an independent filmmakers head. So maybe you'll know you aren't alone, or maybe you'll know you are in better shape, or maybe you just want to take the ride with me for the fun and interest.

So... Without Further Ado.

Dear DeadCenter Film Festival,

I'm sorry I expected you to accept my half-finished movie for your film festival. I apologize that I thought I was a shoe-in for the fest because I have a really good concept and vision and because my production phase was so awesome, complete with great crew and cast. I expected less of your film festival and for that, I apologize. You will see a different film next year... and it will be one of the few entertaining selectees from the hundreds of crappy and mediocre and even good movies you reject. Can't wait to spend the weekend with you, DeadCenter.



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