Thursday, February 11, 2010

First Cut Nightmare

I met with my editor on my latest short film over iChat via the new built in Final Cut Pro viewer. The experience was really awesome. I thoroughly enjoyed it and rarely experienced even the slightest lag time (and that's with AT&T wireless too!).
I told myself, "Now Jacob, this is only a rough cut. This is going to be the worst day of your life in this production. Prepare for that and maybe you won't take it so hard."

You see, it's a rule. It's just one of those "givens". The director's worst day will always be the day you see the rough cut. You should plan on drinking afterward.

When the footage started rolling, I followed right along... Rolling that is.
The rough cut looks AMAZING! I'm laughing just thinking about it! Sure there were things to fix, but nothing major, and certainly NOTHING wrong with it. I'm excited. I'm overjoyed. This could be big.

I was ecstatic.

I had the privilege of viewing another two sequences and I couldn't tell you how awesome it felt. This is really coming together.

My editor (Kent Jones) finished another sequence. The final sequence. The stuff with talking. The culmination. The punchline - the button. I was so excited to see even the footage in a rough assembly. Kent told me he was scrapping the first cut of this sequence all together and approaching it another way. But it didn't matter, I was just so anxious to see a cut, after seeing the other sequences - I'm a brilliant auteur destined for greatness.

Pride. And I forgot to warn myself about that little rule. Well, two rules, now that I mention it. One about Pride and before the falling. The other being the said "Rough-Cut-Ready-to-Drink" Rule.

I watched it. What in the Sam Hill was I thinking? Why did I let the actors get away with that ... that crap? How did I not see the life being sucked out of the room with the pure lack of energy?! I remember telling them to mumble a bit - and even talking my main character out of playing it up too much. What was I thinking?! They were doing exactly what I told them to do!

Lauren Ryan is playing a mean person - why didn't she stay in character after the take - and SLAP ME! Michael Price is some sort of genius, right? He should of told me. He should have said - the physics don't work here, Jake. It's some sort of conspiracy. I know it. Those three actors don't like me. They did it on purpose. It was probably because I didn't feed them - I mean, that is sort of a cardinal sin in film production.

It's everyone on set's EFFING FAULT. No, it's my fault.

Oh saxophone!

This is the worst day of my film career. And my last too. I'm sure of it now. It's obvious.

It's bad. I'll never work in this town again.

Someone tell me it's okay. Kent is starting over. It's going to be okay, right?


Oh nightmare before Valentine's Day. Don't let it be so.

I should quit filmmaking. I seem to be doing pretty well with that EdTechSpecialties thing over there.

Son of ---


  1. HA! Keep it together there buddy. Keep it together.

  2. "Oh saxophone!"? What does that even mean? Hilarious
